Saturday, June 04, 2005

Energy efficiency: If they can do it, why can't we?

The New York Times article Japan Squeezes to Get the Most of Costly Fuel
really highlights how seriously we are lagging in terms of our global leadership on energy consumption. The article shows how much can be accomplished with responsible national leadership. Although research and development is absolutely crucial, much of the technology already exists: hybrid cars and plug-in Hybrid cars, wind turbines, photovoltaic cells, etc.

Problem is, with our president and vice-president representing the oil and oil services industries, there's not much chance that the leadership to reduce oil consumption is going to come from them.
The president has been trying to end our dependence on foreign oil, but he is being rebuffed at every turn by the environMENTALists who are agraid we might displace some birds and bugs if we drill for oil in oil rich land. It seems that protecting a few insects is more important to them than the price they are paying for gasoline.
actually, i think there is something fishy going on with the gas prices.....prices on gas are fluctuating while all other oil based products and by products stay pretty much the same. If the proce of crude is the reason why gas prices are so high, then why aren't the prices of other oil products going up at the same rate? Even plastics are oil based. But i am not going to take the low road and blame the president for this, after all, gasoline prices went up during other president's administrations (see Clinton) too and i don't see people blaming them.
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